Lygių galimybių plėtros centras

Innovative Educational Strategies for Social Partners: Towards Practical Implementation of Equal Opportunities

Project goals:
– To raise awareness in society and to build opposition for discrimination due to gender.
– To promote social dialogue on the prevention of discrimination against marginalized groups.
– To change stereotypical views on the roles of men and women in society and about
marginalized groups.
– To increase women’s motivation and professional qualifications in the labor market.
– To encourage men to assume the same responsibility as women for childcare and in that
manner to help change employers’ attitude that women constitute a „risky” and
„unattractive” labor force.
-To support employers’ innovative management strategies allowing the reconciliation of
professional and private spheres for both women and men.
– Promote social policies that encourage the reconciliation of private and professional life.

Target groups of the project are: Employers, representatives of trade-unions,representatives of labor market institutions in Lithuania, representatives of labor market training offices,social and employment policy makers,women returning to the labor market after an extended period,elderly women.

Project activities:
– From February to December of 2007, CEA organized 20 trainings on gender equality and
related issues in all of Lithuania’s regions.
– Performed scientific research which aimed to analyze public opinion about gender
stereotypes and evaluate experiences in labor market.
– A public informational campaign was prepared. The campaign included billboards and
postcards in which brief information and statistics about the spheres most often affected by
gender-based discrimination was provided.
– Information television and reporting cycle: 52 subjects were prepared for the television show
„Jeigu” („If”), which analyzed discrimination due to gender, age, ethnic/racial origin,
disability, and social status.
– CEA prepared 25 social advertising reports, which were televised once a week. For each
broadcast, comments and articles were prepared and posted on the website.
– At the time of each „If” broadcast, an instantaneous social survey about issues related to
gender equality and employment was conducted.
– Prepared and published a manual for employers, Improvement of the Labor Relationship and
Environment, edited by Margarita Jankauskaitė and Aistė Paškauskaitė, 2007 (Darbo
santykių ir darbo aplinkos gerinimas/ sudarytojos Margarita Jankauskaitė ir Aistė
Paškauskaitė, 2007).
– Prepared and published a compact disc, Equal Opportunities: Rhetoric and Practice.

Project coordinator: Kaunas Women’s Employment Information Center

Project partners: Office of the Ombudsmen for Equal Opportunities,  Center for Equality Advancement

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