Lygių galimybių plėtros centras

Migration information and collaboration platform

The project aims to develop the information of migration and collaboration platform, which connects the competent authorities and other stakeholders. It should be the tool for cooperation, coordination and should be considered as communication system for people, who work in the field of third- country nationals integration. It should help to maintain close dialogue and cooperation of the competent public authorities and research institutions , non-governmental organizations, other interested groups and individuals .

Migration information and collaboration platform  consists of two main elements – workshops and website. It is open to all competent authorities ( their representatives ) and other interested parties. The participants of workshops and visitors of the website can monitor and respond to political, social and scientific activities of various institutions, share best practices , find partners and funding for their projects , learn the national and local level news of third -country nationals integration and maintain the dialogue with the participants of integration process . Finally, it creates space for further cooperation between non-governmental organizations and other organizations working in immigrant integration policy.

The project is implemented by Lithuanian Social Research Centre, Institute for Ethnic Studies in conjunction with the Centre of Equal Advancement. The project is funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third -Country Nationals .

Tinklalapyje yra naudojami slapukai. Slapukai padeda užtikrinti tinkamą jo veikimą bei tobulinimą, todėl būtinieji slapukai (techniniai, funkciniai bei analitiniai) yra naudojami automatiškai. Siekiant individualizuoti Jūsų naršymo patirtį bei pateikti pasiūlymus, kurie būtų aktualūs būtent Jums, naudojami ir tiksliniai slapukai. Paspaudę „Sutinku“ Jūs sutinkate su tikslinių slapukų naudojimu. Savo sutikimą galite atšaukti bet kuriuo metu savo interneto naršyklės nustatymuose, ištrindami įrašytus slapukus. Daugiau informacijos - Privatumo politikoje. View more